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Título : Remoción de micro organismos patógenos utilizando polímeros como mecanismo de ultrafiltración en aguas de origen doméstico
Fecha de publicación : 28-jun-2012
Resumen : from drinking water disupplay currently being shown in Mexico City, which is why we need increased treatment of wastewater and these can be given a reuse. For this particular case is emphasized in the wastewater of domestic origin. The filtration system for its valuation, is come off a plant of waste water treatment to deal with generated waters of remainder a residential set. The design of the plant is based on the characteristics of an effluent typical domestic servant, given to the particular characteristics of the residential development east treatment train it will allow to generate a quality of water that can later be reuse or in toilets, washing of cars and irrigation of gardens, as well as this plant this designed to treat a flow 157 average of m3/day, nevertheless during the periods of principle daily activity, system will be able to treat of flow 314 of m3/day. The treatment train can be summarized of the following way: pretreatment counts on that consists of tank trap that it has as an aim to retain not-biodegradable larger and solid residues solid like plastics, burdens and/or hair that can cause that the membranes are covered, a tank of equalization of flows where 2 crushing pumps are working to guarantee that only solid fine they arrive at the bioreactor, a bioreactor that consists of a tank of concrete I divide in two sections: anoxic zone and aerobic zone, where a system of aeration of fine bubble is installed provided by two blowers. Also all this system counts on a mud recirculation in order to remove accumulated solids in the zone of membranes and to develop a more uniform mixture in the bioreactor. The submerged membrane unit is made up of a rectangular frame, frees of cover, to which the hollow fiber modules are fixed, submerged in the mixture of activated and connected muds to the suction of a centrifugal pump directly. When being applied a slight suction (3-8 psi), the treated water (solaiter) is sucked through pores of the membrane towards the hollow center of each unloaded fiber and to the system. It is possible to mention that this system counts on a tank for retro- washed which is carried out stored with solaiter in this tank, after a cycle of retro - washed the tank fills automatically when solaiter turning aside in this tank. When filling, automatically the flow returns to be turned aside towards the unloading of the treated water. The studied system of filtration is based on hollow a fiber membrane submerged to patient by suction with a nominal size of pore 0,035 μm (0,1 μm in absolute size) reason why on theory would reject all type of suspended and colloid solids, including some bacteria and cysts that by their size are below the nominal size of pore. The objective of this job is to value the efficiency of this membrane like a tertiary treatment for the obtaining of a water of good quality that fulfills the NOM-003- SERMANAT-1997 (effective), which specific you limit permissible maximums for a water of reuse for services the public with direct bonding, which avoided the spill of effluents to the public network of cleaning and, in the same measurement, the costs of treatment regarding the fulfillment of the standardisation on limits of spill to natural water bodies, having consequently to diminish disupplay of this vital liquid in different sectors from the City of Mexico. The methodology that development to be able to measure the efficiency, I am realised by means of the taking of 2 samples simple in a month later to send them to laboratory certificate where there determined 5 parameters of : Greasy and Oils , Suspended Solids Total, Biochemical Demand of I oxygenate, Eggs of Helminto and Faecal Coliformes. Derived from laboratory results and efficiency of obtaining the removal of pathogenic microorganisms, considering the characteristics of the influent and treated effluent, it was determined an efficiency of 35% and also identified efficiencies in the other parameters makes the NOM-003 - SERMANAT-1997.Por the foregoing, we conclude that the polyacrylonitrile membrane with a nominal size of 0.035 m (0.1 m in absolute size), it can not be regarded as an absolute barrier to retain this type of microorganisms. However, note that by taking the geometric mean of the laboratory results of the index of faecal coliform, result of 177 MPN/100 ml MPN/100 ml to 240 against the norm, which allows us to reuse the treated water services direct contact with the public, such as: washing cars, watering parks and gardens
Descripción : Valoración de un sistema de filtración basándose en polímeros como mecanismo de ultra filtración para la remoción de bacterias y quistes en aguas servidas de conjuntos habitacionales.
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/5722
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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