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dc.contributor.authorOrdiano-Flores, Alfredo-
dc.contributor.authorGalván Magaña, Felipe-
dc.contributor.authorRosiles-Martínez, Rene-
dc.description.abstractTuna, like most large pelagic fish, are highly exploited by man, and it is, therefore, important to determine mercury (Hg) levels in these species in order to estbaliz allowable limits for their consumption and/or contamination levels in the environment. In this study, we evaluated Hg accumulation in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) muscle in two different geographic sites of the eastern Pacific Ocean. There was a positive association between Hg content and tuna size in the equatorial zone (EQZ). Using adjusted sizes, the site of origin was a determinant factor in Hg accumulation. Sex, by contrast, did not affect Hg levels, suggesting that males and females have similar feeding habits. No Hg concentration was over the Hg content thresholds for large marine predators adopted by Mexican norms and by North American authorities (1 μg g−1 w.w.). Hg input due to yellowfin tuna consumption represented from 9.84% to 35.87% in Baja California Sur and from 14.78% to 53.87% in EQZ of the provisional tolerable weekly intake adopted by the World Health Organization. The target hazard quotient for Hg was <1 in each group of the population studied, which indicates that consumption of yellowfin tuna is not a threat to human health.es
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN). Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinases
dc.publisherBiological Trace Element Researches
dc.subjectHealth tretaes
dc.subjectThunnus Albacareses
dc.subjectEastern Pacific Oceanes
dc.titleBioaccumulation of mercury in muscle tissue of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, of the eastern Pacific Oceanes
dc.description.especialidadCiencias marinases
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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