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Título : The social vulnerability under the surveillance from the State Mexican
Autor : Vite Pérez, Miguel Ángel
Palabras clave : Surveillance society
social vulnerability
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol.07, nº 03
Resumen : The purpose of the article is to reflect on the importance that the surveillance society has obtained within a context of the expansion of social vulnerability, focusing on the problem of political power actually being an issue of public security, creating illegal criminalization situations. It will also emphasize that social vulnerability is reproduced territorially, as those who suffer from alack of institutional protections risk their very survival, forcing them to depend on illegal economic activities. In the case of Mexico, surveillance technology is used by State authorities to criminalize illegalities when the conflict between the legal and the illegal is converted into violence.
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/22322
ISSN : 2317-7721
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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