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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorCONTRERAS CONTRERAS, RICARDO-
dc.descriptionVerificar que tratamiento es más efectivo para comunidades rurales, entre lagunaje y aereación.es
dc.description.abstractThis thesis studies the treatment alternatives from the perspective of the convenience for the rural communities, specially Huaniqueo de Morales, Michoacan. First, it analyses the topic about the residual water characteristics, in order to know particularly those that are in the domestic residual water, being this the purpose of this paper. Also, it analyses the physical, social and demographic situation of the community, as they are important parameters to take final decisions. Was checked in analytical way the treatment characteristics through two different methods; the lagoons and aeration, taking in account the components of each, in order to have a more accurate vision of each method. Were used investment, construction costs, operation and maintenance Indices to analyze the convenience of a method for the locality, that allows a low cost and an easy operation because is not possible to have expertise in the region. On the other hand, the cultural factor is important, because the availability of land for these works, is practically nil in the development plans, so, the properties will be acquire on the fly and sometimes very expensive, this is due the unavailability of municipality lands and the land transfer from parents to children, which causes low interest in donate or sell the land for this purposees
dc.titleAnálisi s comparativo para el tratamiento de agua, entre un sistema lagunar y proceso de aereación”. Caso de estudio: Huaniqueo de Morales Michoacánes
dc.description.especialidadMaestría en Ingeniería Civil, Ambientales
dc.description.tipo113 páginases
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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