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dc.contributor.advisorCONTRERAS CONTRERAS., RICARDO-
dc.contributor.authorMANZANO SÁNCHEZ, TONATIUH-
dc.descriptionReducir el tiempo de absorción de nitrógeno y fósforo, como indicadores de la calidad del agua residual, empleando un sistema hidropónico de tratamiento de aguas residuales, dando un pretratamiento al agua residual mediante la lisis de los microorganismos de forma térmica y mecánica, para mejorar la biodisponibilidad de los nutrientes o contaminantes para que puedan ser absorbidos por los organismos vegetales empleados en el sistema hidropónico en este caso la higuerilla, (Ricinus communis).es
dc.description.abstractThis work is motivated as an option to reduce pollution in large cities and allowed an adequate quality of life for city dwellers organisms including humans. Planned as a pilot project using a system based on hydroponics (hydro, water and ponos crop or work), ie cultivation of plant organisms in a liquid medium. The domestic wastewater pre-treated, which is used to feed the Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis) was purified efficiently without affecting the environment. The objectives in this work were to evaluate the two parameters total nitrogen and total phosphorus during a period of time in a domestic layout to treat wastewater using a hydroponic as essence methodology of the system, to reach discharge standards of pollutants to municipal water bodies. A hydroponic system named Nutrient Field Technique (N F T) was adapted to make a recirculation of a determined volume of wastewater, with a given pretreatment, across the plant, named Castor Oil Plant, root matrix (Ricinus communis). There were collected samples every 12 hours for 72 hours to determine the parameters concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Total nitrogen level increase after 72 hours of wastewater treatment in the first experiment as well as total phosphorus that increases also after 72 hours. Different results were obtained for second experiment in which total nitrogen decreases significantly after 48 hours of treatment and total phosphorus decreases after 72 hours of treatment. Ricinus communis develops and uses wastewater as the unique nutritive source.es
dc.titleReducción del tiempo de absorción de nitrógeno y fósforo presentes en el agua residual mediante un pretratamiento empleando un sistema hidropónico.es
dc.description.especialidadMaestría en Ingeniería Civil, Ambientales
dc.description.tipo85 páginases
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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