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Título : Ruta de asimilación del carbono en un reactor en lote
Fecha de publicación : 2-jul-2012
Resumen : This work includes the behavior of microorganisms with respect to substrate consumption and carbon assimilation pathway of a batch reactor, so the parameters were monitored and design field, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, oxygen dissolved BOD, COD and TSS, all this in order to obtain data needed to quantify some biocinetic data that allow us to know the bioenergetics of reactor. In obtaining the data and biocinetic calculations that determine the consumption of biomass, substrate consumption, food related microorganisms (A / M), performance and efficiency of the reactor, we observed the behavior of microorganisms to consume the substrate and the generation biomass and the carbon-oxygen consumption within the reactor, to give rise to another power source allowing endogenous respiration. When comparing the overall efficiency of the team with regard to BOD, COD and TSS, this proved to be very low denoting the biokinetic parameters and making them more important. This comparison showed an equivalent residence time in the cellular processes seen with aerobic type of oxidation ditches and aeration extended to processes characterized by limited removal efficiencies of organic matter and high retention times for the synthesis of matter organic.
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/5746
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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