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dc.contributor.advisorROBLES MARTÍNEZ, FABIÁN-
dc.contributor.advisorLÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ, FELIPE-
dc.contributor.authorCANTERO FLORES, ANABEL-
dc.descriptionDeterminar los efectos producidos por la aplicación de composta, elaborada con residuos orgánicos resultantes del mantenimiento de áreas verdes, como mejorador de suelo en el desarrollo y crecimiento de maíz (Zea mays L.) y frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris).es
dc.description.abstractThis study evaluated the effects of the application of compost made from organic solid waste resulting from the maintenance of green areas, as a soil and the development of two plant species, maize (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). To analyze these effects, the following activities:  Monitoring of the composting process, since the lifting of the stack to obtain mature compost. Were composted organic solid wastes resulting from the maintenance of green areas by battery-open system with semi-mechanical lifting and manual turning.  Laboratory tests included: physical and chemical analysis of compost, soil and seed treatments used for corn and beans; search of fungal pathogens in soil, compost and seeds, as evidenced by in vitro viability and germination of seeds of both maize and beans.  Planting and monitoring of growth / development of maize and beans, using an experimental design using 3 different doses of compost (10%, 20% and 30%), managed two controls and a comparison to which chemical fertilizer was added (18-46-00 and Triple). Mature compost once presented the following characteristics: pH = 7.8 ± 0.21, total nitrogen content (% NT) = 0.94 ± 0.006, organic matter content (% MO) = 12.25 ± 0.42, field capacity (CC) = 33.49 ± 3.49 ml/100 g, permanent wilting point (% RH) = 55.1 ± 28.39, bulk density (g/cm3) = 0.46 ± 0.02, particle density (g/cm3) = 0.91 and pore space (% EP) 49.12. The application of 10 and 20% compost improved organic matter content and total nitrogen, and in the water holding capacity of soil used. Bean plants to the list of treatments on the number of leaves (NL) was: T1> T2> T4> T 0, with respect to the total height (AT) was: T2> T4> T1 = T0; on the final dry weight (PSf) was: T4> T1> T0> T2> T5. For corn plants the relationship between treatments with respect to NH was: T2> T1> T4 = T0, with respect to the AT was: T1> T0> T2> T4; in connection with the PSf was: T0> T1> T2> T3> T4.es
dc.titleEfectos de la aplicación de composta como mejorador de suelo y del desarrollo de dos especies vegetaleses
dc.description.especialidadMaestría en Ingeniería Civil, Ambientales
dc.description.tipo93 paáginases
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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