Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/7187
Título : Eliminación del Arsénico (As) por Electroquímica, en Aguas Subterráneas. para CONSUMO HUMANO. CASO DE ESTUDIO ”Municipio San Salvador Hidalgo”
Fecha de publicación : 3-oct-2012
Resumen : This master's thesis aims to explain how arsenic is removed from the extraction of groundwater wells in the three study which bear the name of Santa Maria Amajac, Adelaido Azpeitia Pacheco Gutierrez and located in the town of San Salvador in the municipality of San Salvador in the state of Hidalgo. The methodology used for the development of the research consisted of the following: the identification and 2 samples per well reaching 6 samples per visit according to NOM-014-SSA1-1993, 3 samples are taken to a private laboratory (Tecno Ambiental SA de CV) which are analyzed by atomic absorption method to determine the extent of arsenic contamination, missing samples are taken to Health Laboratory of the School of Engineering and Architecture where Zacatenco unit underwent the electrochemical process. Once finished the process are taken to the laboratory where they also are particularly subject to methodological of atomic absorption to determine the degree of contamination of arsenic. The results of the first 3 tests are compared with the 3 tests that led the process of Electrochemistry showing a significant removal of arsenic to <0.0025 mg / l which is the Method Detection Limit Atomic Absorption which is within the Mexican Official Standard NOM-127-SSA1-1994, "Environmental Health, Water for human use and consumption-Permissible Limits of Quality and treatments that must be applied for purification Water"
Descripción : Remover el Arsénico en muestras de agua en el laboratorio por el proceso de Electroquímica, de la captación de agua subterránea en los pozos Santa María Amajac, Adelaido Azpeitia Gutiérrez y Pacheco en el municipio de San Salvador, estado de Hidalgo.
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/7187
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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