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Autor : Paredes, Alberto Jaime
Sánchez Sánchez, Héctor Aureliano
Gordillo Gordillo, Nestor Octavio
Fecha de publicación : 3-oct-2012
Resumen : This thesis describes the dynamic properties of soils and its determination in laboratory and field, describing each of the tests, equipment and devices used for their determination. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages that were considered most important in the use of each of these. The study of these issues as well as seismic engineering principles, which are discussed in this paper will be used by 3 case studies. The evaluation of the dynamic response of structures in highly seismic areas should include dynamic analysis of interaction soil - structure as required to ensure proper system behavior. It is the first case a building constructed on soft soils, as the second case, the stability of a slope and a third party the stability of a retaining wall to the dynamic stress. For this, two-dimensional models are developed finite difference and finite element to simulate the overall system behavior during an earthquake. Similarly pseudo-static analytical methods should be employed to analyze the structures such as retaining walls.
Descripción : Este trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar las propiedades dinámicas de los suelos y rocas, su determinación en laboratorio y en campo, así como estudiar los principios de ingeniería sísmica. A su vez, la aplicación de estos conocimientos al análisis de diferentes estructuras como taludes, muros de contención, cimentaciones y otras estructuras a través de ejemplos de aplicación, permitiendo, conocer el comportamiento de éstas ante los efectos dinámicos, en particular los inducidos por un sismo.
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/7180
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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