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dc.contributor.authorRojas López, Marlon-
dc.description.abstractThis work analyzes the optical properties of nanostructures metallic surfaces of gold, at different sizes, in glass silanized substrates. Silanized substrates were immersed in the colloid solution for one and half hour at room temperature and dried at room temperature for four hours. The optical properties were analyzed by three spectroscopy techniques and by TEM microscopy. UVA^S was used to observe changes in absorption due to the aminopropiltrimethoxysilane added to the glass substrate and due to the colloid added to silanized substrate. Infrared vibrational spectroscopy in ATR mode was used to observe the new generation peaks due to substrate silanization and SEIRA effect due to the colloid added to silanized substrate. And finally Z-Scan technique was used to observe the nonlinear properties of these funtionalization metallic nanostmctures in function of nanostructures size. TEM images confirm the sizes observed in the UV/VIS spectra.es
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Politécnico Nacional CIBA-Tlaxcalaes
dc.subjectMetallic Nanostructureses
dc.titleOptical Properties of Self-Ensemble Monolayers of Gold Metallic Nanostructureses
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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